Monday, April 11, 2011
Mary J Blige is officially on her own. According to a ROCK SOLID industry insider Mary J Blige is NO LONGER being managed by Kendu.
You'll recall that LAST MONTH we told you that Mary was looking to SELL her New Jersey Mansion. And that she is NO LONGER wearing her wedding ring.
If we were Kendu, we'd be looking into SWISS BANK ACCOUNTS. Cause it looks to us like Mary's doing one of them SNEAK divorces.
Mel B -- Bikini Baby Bump
Surrounded by her husband Stephen Belafonte and Angel, her adorable daughter with Eddie Murphy, former Spice Girl Melanie B showed off her growing baby bump in L.A. this weekend.

This will be Melanie's third child, but her first with Belafonte.
This will be Melanie's third child, but her first with Belafonte.
Brett Favre Accuser -- 'I'm Not a Gold-Digger'
Jenn Sterger, the woman who accused NFL legend Brett Favre of sending her lewd text messages, claims she hasn't made a single cent off the entire ordeal.

As part of an interview that airs on ABC over the next few days, Sterger told George Stephanopoulos, "I haven't made a dime off anything in this whole situation. Not from the pictures. Not from Favre. I never wanted to sue anyone. That was never an intention of mine ... I'm not a gold-digger."
Thus far, the only lawsuit Sterger has filed is against her former manager to try and get back "materials" related to the Favre saga.
As part of an interview that airs on ABC over the next few days, Sterger told George Stephanopoulos, "I haven't made a dime off anything in this whole situation. Not from the pictures. Not from Favre. I never wanted to sue anyone. That was never an intention of mine ... I'm not a gold-digger."
Thus far, the only lawsuit Sterger has filed is against her former manager to try and get back "materials" related to the Favre saga.
Drake Hits the Studio With Pharrell in MIA
Wonder what these 3 are cooking up! Drizzy hit the studio out in Miami with Skateboard P and his in-house producer 40 over the weekend. I think a Drizzy x Pharrell collab would be pretty dope. What about you? And wow Pharrell loooks younger then Drake, lol.
It's official. Nicki Minaj will be Britney Spears' opening act for her upcoming concert tour.

Sources involved in the negotiation say... the deal was signed several days ago, and Britney is elated. Everyone involved in the concert is relieved Enrique Iglasias' ego couldn't handle opening for Britney and feel Nicki will be infinitely better.
Minaj, who is on tour with Lil Wayne until the end of the month, currently has two singles on the Billboard Top 100 -- "Moment 4 Life" and "Did It On'em"
Everyone connected with the concert series things Nicki will create even more heat for the tour, which kicks off on June 17 in Sacramento, CA.
Sources involved in the negotiation say... the deal was signed several days ago, and Britney is elated. Everyone involved in the concert is relieved Enrique Iglasias' ego couldn't handle opening for Britney and feel Nicki will be infinitely better.
Minaj, who is on tour with Lil Wayne until the end of the month, currently has two singles on the Billboard Top 100 -- "Moment 4 Life" and "Did It On'em"
Everyone connected with the concert series things Nicki will create even more heat for the tour, which kicks off on June 17 in Sacramento, CA.
Nate Dogg -- Foreclosed On After Death
In a heartbreaking turn of events, its learned a home belonging to rapper Nate Dogg was foreclosed on last month ... just two days after he passed away.

According to papers filed on March 17, Nate Dogg (real name Nathaniel Hale) had fallen behind on his mortgage payments on his Pomona, CA home ... to the tune of $5,924.12.
According to the docs, Nate hadn't made a payment on the home since December, 2010.
Nate Dogg passed away on March 15 due to complications from multiple strokes.
According to papers filed on March 17, Nate Dogg (real name Nathaniel Hale) had fallen behind on his mortgage payments on his Pomona, CA home ... to the tune of $5,924.12.
According to the docs, Nate hadn't made a payment on the home since December, 2010.
Nate Dogg passed away on March 15 due to complications from multiple strokes.
NBA Legend Sued Over Handball
According to legal docs filed in Miami, Rice hired a bunch of people to film and produce a team handball tournament at the American Airlines Arena in April 2009 -- but never paid them.
Now ... 15 people and 3 companies have filed suit against Rice, claiming he owes them all a grand total of $22,320.
Attempts to reach Glen Rice were unsuccessful. Attempts to figure out what the hell team handball is were just frustrating.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
CRAZY ARTICLE BY NC17-"Is It Right To Take Another Girl's Man"
I spent a week emailing with this girl because she didn’t want me to blog about her situation. Finally she relented and gave me the okay after I told her it would not be judgmental at all. This young lady is in a normal situation. She likes a guy who has a girlfriend. Her question was “would it be right to try and talk to him anyway”? Why the hell not? This notion of a good man is hard to find will never go away because women will always get tangled up with incompatible men. If you find a guy who has everything you're looking for and the only thing standing in the way is another chick—fuck her.
I know… karma, morals, he cheated on her he’ll do the same thing to you blah blah blah. You know who says that—scared bitches. It’s survival of the fittest, if his girl isn’t strong enough to keep a hold on him, then that’s her fault. We’re not talking about adultery; we’re talking about Boyfriend/Girlfriend. Those titles are only as strong as you make them, and if homie wants to stray then obviously he wasn’t in love. Does leaving her to be with you make him a bad man? Not necessarily. I treated my old girlfriends like shit; I treat my fiancé like a queen. One person’s “bad man” can always turn into someone’s “Mr. Perfect” it just takes the right woman to make him act right.
“If she was all that then you wouldn’t be cheating, if my pussy wasn’t good then you wouldn’t be eating”
If you don’t have the heart to take another girl’s boyfriend, cool—STOP READING NOW… I mean it; this will only offend your sense of moral decency… If you’re a fucking Spartan and you have no problem kicking a bitch in the chest then watching her fall into a pit, then continue on!
When you meet Mr. Right and it’s revealed that he has a chick, you don’t shy away from that. You embrace it. The last thing you want to be is a side chick, ask about her, how they met, where they go on dates... talking to a guy with a chick is market research. The purpose is not to fuck a guy with a girlfriend—that’s hoe shit, your job is to evaluate the guy with a girlfriend to see if he’s the right man for you, then erase her from his life.
Two Weeks Notice: This isn't a guy who works at Burger King but is trying to get a job at the Post Office. He’s not allowed to keep his old job while applying for his new one. If he’s serious about getting with you, she has to go. A man will not want to leave his sure thing for a girl who he hasn’t even sampled yet. That’s his problem. If he wants to continue the sexting, dates, and get sex down the line then he has to make that hard decision. Give him a deadline. Not only does he have to break it off with his wifey, HE MUST tell her the reason why. This may sound unnecessarily mean, but understand this. We will fuck our ex girlfriends. That’s just what we do. If you make him tell her from the jump, “It’s over because I met someone else” that’s devastating. Unless she’s the dumbest girl on the planet, she will never give him the ass again. You made him look like a jerk, but at the same time you made it damn near impossible for him to two time you with his old bitch.
Her Pussy is a Honda. Your Pussy Is a Maserati: Pussy Whipping is alive and well and if he's chasing your tail, she's failed at putting that pussy on him. Tease him like you would do any guy you were seeing, but with a wifed up guy you have to be extra seductive because like the old Junior Mafia skit said "That nigga getting pussy on a regular basis". You have to sell yourself like your vagina could cure cancer. Lust is a powerful weapon, it’s the #1 reason men cheat. But don’t be like those cliché women on TV who fuck with married men and say dumb things like, “he said he would leave her for me”. DON’T HAVE SEX WITH HIM UNTIL HE’S YOUR MAN. Talk nasty, that’s how you hook a man, but at the same time you’re not scouting for sex, you’re scouting for a relationship, so keep the physical activity limited to 2nd base. You have to show him that not only can you make him bust in less than 60 seconds you can keep him interested in your conversation. The mouth is greater than the ass, meaning that the things you say have a bigger impact than anything you can do in the bed. For him to say, “she never understood me like you do” is checkmate.
Make Sure Your Friends Have Your Back: Girls are influenced by their besties; they listen to their friends and care about how they’re perceived. The girl who emailed me, her biggest fear wasn’t taking the guy; it was what her friends would think about her doing it. You’re doing something very unpopular. No matter how cute this dude is or how nice he is, he’s cheating. There may not be sex involved at this stage, but to start talking to a man while he is involved with another girl is frowned upon. Your friends will guilt you, but you have to be strong. They’ll spew some bullshit about how there is someone out there for everyone and you should wait for a single man... That Disney Princess mindset is the reason they’re single. Remember you’re a fucking Spartan, those girls are your soldiers. They may not agree with the mission, but they owe it to you to be supportive of the campaign. When your Pirated boo comes over to chill you don’t want them judging him with. They don't have to like it, but they must respect it.
Playing With House Money: Say you meet a guy, he’s involved, but you don’t know how to proceed. How do you initiate something like this? What’s my favorite word besides bitch? Confidence. This guy is taken, if you get rejected that’s okay because he should reject you-- he has a woman he loves. Your job is to not take it seriously, look at it as a game and you're the underdog. You have nothing to lose so step out of character and use your wit to pull him.
Boy: Um, I actually have a girl.
Girl: Is she here?
Boy: No.
Girl: Damn! I would have loved to show her how a real woman handles her boyfriend.
Boy: You’re a trip.
Girl: Why don’t you take my number and call me after you have sex with her tonight. We can count the seconds it takes for me to get you back up.
You’re putting on a show. You’re Heath Ledger in the Dark Knight; this shit will make you a legend in his mind. If you come off that aggressive, witty, and nasty he will call you. And once he calls you, you know it’s a wrap for her because She Is No Match For You. You’ll have to let him be sneaky for the first two weeks or so, but remember you’re not a side chick; you’re going to become the main chick, but like any relationship you don't want to rush into it. Once you’re sure he’s right for you and want to take it to the next level, then you give him the ultimatum that it’s either you or her. You already know their bond is weak off the strength that he’s calling you on his lunch break instead of her. Once you win him over mentally, having him break that poor girl’s heart is the easy part. It’s a hostile takeover and there will be victims, but at the end of the day if you have a chance to own Netflix why would you continue to work at Blockbuster Video?
This is real life, there are no boundaries, and the only rule is "Don't go after your friend's man" other than that-- all men are fair game, so if you want someone you go after them! You think men respect the fact that you have a boyfriend? Fuck no! We see that as the ultimate challenge. There is no reason women can’t use this same method when on the hunt for love. If a guy is in a relationship then obviously he isn’t afraid of commitment and he knows how to cater to a female—it’s like shopping for a house when furniture’s already in place, it’s much easier. You’re not going to go to hell, you’re not going to get seven years bad luck, the worst that can happen is that a younger, sexier version of you pulls this same trick and takes your man. But that can happen in any relationship, I’m not talking about keeping a man, we’re talking about going for what you want. If you feel too guilty to even consider this you’re hard headed-- I told your ass to stop reading a long time ago.
You are better than his girlfriend. Your heart pumps Cheetah Blood built from Athena DNA, there is no man who you can't take! That’s what you have to believe in order for this to work. And if some baggy eyed girl who looks like she’s been crying for the past two months shows up at your job calling you a home wrecker, you look her dry coochie having, weak head giving, constantly complaining ass dead in the eye and say, “You’re welcome. Because if it wasn’t me, it would have been someone else”.
I’ve Embarked On A Whole New Level In Life… I’m Documenting The Rest Of My Life
“take one picture of yourself every single day for one year. use whatever you might find in the place you happen to be – just make sure that you are always in the frame somewhere, somehow. there will be tons of days when you will not want to take a picture of yourself – do it anyway! take the first one in july 2009 and the last one in june 2010 – and then develop all the rolls all at once. voila!” ~ LinaNot sure where I will host the pictures but I will begin taking them today!
After losing a court battle last year to rapper Rick Ross, the real Rick Ross is lashing out at the emcee again with a brand new lawsuit.
As previously reported, Freeway Rick Ross, noted for being a drug trafficker that spent over a decade behind bars, lost a trademark infringement case after a judge ruled that he could not properly trademark his name due to the wide use of it in magazines, television, and media.
In an exclusive interview with, Freeway Ross revealed that he has attained new legal representation from Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP and he’s gearing up to present his case in California state court on May 2.
The Los Angeles street legend believes he has a better shot at winning in state court now that the California-based law firm picked up the case on a “contingency bases.”
Speaking on the case he tells BET,
“We always knew our case was stronger in the state than it was in the feds. California state law really protects people with their names and their likenesses. So we knew that was stronger inside California than it was in the feds, but we wanted to go the big route first then work our way down.”
In the previous suit, filed in June 2010, the real Ross was seeking compensation from the rapper Ross, Jay-Z, Def Jam Records, Universal Music Group and others, for trademark violations, unfair competition and misappropriation of his publicity rights.
The judge dismissed the case on the grounds that the real Ross did not show enough evidence of secondary usage by the rapper.
Now with Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, on his side, Freeway still plans to name the same defendants, but threatened to include Warner Music Group if they use his name as part of their recent partnership with the rapper Rick Ross’ Maybach Music Group.
“I’ll slap a lawsuit on them as well,” Ross promises. “They better not put my name on his product or I’ma be after them, too. I ain’t scared of none of them.”
The real Ross is confident that in this second round of legal proceedings he’ll regain ownership of his name in order for it to be used in a better light.
“We’re both teaching two different messages,” says Freeway Ross. “He’s teaching my old life: sell drugs, disrespect women, all the things that really have our country in shambles. I’m teaching uplifting values, education, literacy. He’s teaching illiteracy.”
Bow Wow is coming to the silver screen with a new Ice Cube produced sitcom. The Cash Money rapper has said that Jermaine Dupri will be doing all of the music for his show and compared it to Quincy Jones produced all of the music for Will Smith’s “Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air.” Bow Wow also briefly spoke about his relationship with JD. Find out what he said after the jump!
Rapper Bow Wow is taking a break from the big screen, and is now making a small screen appearance with fellow rapper/actor Ice Cube.
The rapper, who also starred in two Ice Cube produced flicks (“All About the Benjamins” and “Lottery Ticket”) is re-teaming with the hit director on an upcoming, untitled sitcom.
Bow Wow told that longtime mentor Jermaine Dupri will create the score for the series.
“I just spoke with JD yesterday and I got him doing the score and he is actually about to do the music for the TV show sitcom that I am doing with Ice Cube.”
“I partnered with Ice Cube and he is producing my sitcom,” the rapper continued. “I told JD when Will [Smith] had his own show, Quincy Jones did all the music so it’s only right that he does mine. So I got him doing all the scores to the TV show. I speak to JD daily.”
The untitled sitcom is still in the early stages, so while there are still many unanswered questions, Bow Wow said the deal had just been signed and writers were currently being chosen for the television show.
Until then check out Bow Wow in Madea’s Big Happy Family which hits movie theaters April 22nd.
Cambridge Consultants, a leading technology design and development firm, today unveiled ‘Sprint’, a prototype handheld device which provides a 3D image of objects embedded within walls or floors. Based on Cambridge Consultants’ proven short range radar expertise, Sprint enables an operator to rapidly form an image of subsurface structures such as pipes and cables, as well as detecting items of interest such as concealed explosives and contraband, revolutionising counter-terrorism and crime prevention search techniques.
Law enforcement and security agencies are constantly facing new challenges as criminals and terrorists look for ever more creative ways to conceal weapons or to smuggle contraband, and the Sprint system has been designed to tackle some of the most challenging threat detection scenarios. The London 2012 Olympics, for example, will be one of the toughest security challenges seen in the UK to date and security services will want to leave no stone unturned in the hunt for potential threats. Sprint can quickly and easily look inside anything from the floor to the roof, and the handheld system can simply be moved across a surface to build a larger picture. With many new buildings and facilities being developed for the 2012 games, this technology could provide a unique and innovative way of ensuring that they are clear of any threat.
Unlike existing transmission x-ray systems, the radar-based Sprint system does not require access to both sides of the object in order to scan inside, and provides an easily interpreted image of the wall structure, something which compact radar systems have previously not provided. This significantly improves its application potential and can enable much quicker deployment in scenarios where speed can be critical.
"Whereas other options, such as backscatter x-rays, are cumbersome, expensive and power hungry systems, and conventional radar systems have been difficult to interpret, Sprint’s use of radar and processing technology makes it possible to look inside an opaque object or surface from one side safely, cheaply and quickly in a low power, handheld device," commented Sam Pumphrey, Senior Consultant at Cambridge Consultants.
The prototype Sprint device is the equivalent size of a standard sheet of letter paper and 15cm deep, weighing approximately 3.5kg with batteries. It is a multi-channel system, enabling full synthetic aperture processing, and it uses short pulses of energy with high bandwidth to enable the short range, high resolution imaging required. Other potential applications for the technology include industrial inspection, technical search, counter surveillance and a range of military applications.
Cambridge Consultants is currently conducting extensive performance testing to take Sprint beyond the prototype stage and ready it for future commercialisation.
Sprint has been developed to sit alongside Cambridge Consultants’ Prism 200 device. Prism 200 is a handheld through-wall radar, designed to be used by police, special forces or the emergency services. It provides quick and covert intelligence on the movement and location of people in a room or building - without the need for invasive sensors.
(Video) Pusha T Performs Live in Miami
While in MIA filming his “Can I Live” music video, Pusha T stopped by Bardot Miami for a short performance. His set included “Fear Of God“, as well as his verses to “Popular Demand” and “Runaway“. Check out the performance after the jump & stay tuned for the “Can I Live” music video dropping later this week!
Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All is performing rap on its terms -L.A. TIMES STORY
HIP-HOP COLLECTIVE: Members from left include Mike G., Tyler the Creator, Frank Ocean, Syd the Kid, Left Brain, Domo Genesis and Hodgy Beats. The Los Angeles-based group will be playing Coachella for the first time. (Kirk McKoy / Los Amgeles Times |
By Jeff Weiss, Special to the Los Angeles Times
Revolutions are still televised, but they get Tumblr'd, tweeted and YouTubed first. This one started last summer when music micro-bloggers began deifying a pack of nine skateboarding, freewheeling teenaged rap vandals from Los Angeles. Full name: Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All — or OFWGKTA if you're into brevity.April 10, 2011
Like most Internet contagions, the first germs of information spread via viral video. Directed by the crew's founder, Tyler, the Creator, the clip for a song called "French" felt like Larry Clark's "Kids" updated for the "Jackass" and American Apparel generation: full of skateboarding, vomiting, automatic handguns and suggestive maneuvers with a plastic Ronald McDonald statuette.
Odd Future: A profile of the rap collective Odd Future in the Arts & Books section elsewhere in this edition omits the names of two albums released by members of the group since its London and New York shows in the fall. In addition to the three albums mentioned, the collective released Mellowhype's "Blackendwhite" and the Jet Age of Tomorrow's "The Journey to the 5th Echelon." Since the group's beginning, it has also produced a variety of other albums, singles and mix tapes. The error was detected after the section went to press. —
Its semi-sequel, "Earl," featured 16-year-old Earl Sweatshirt rapping about rape, homicide and drinking "six different liquors with a Prince wig plastered on." His deadpan dystopia featured blood, a beauty salon, a blender full of weed, booze and pills, seizures and more skateboarding — and may have prompted the high schooler to be shipped to boarding school.
Circumventing the major rap gatekeepers, Odd Future appeared in articles by British tastemaking magazine the Wire, influential music site Pitchfork and lifestyle platform the Fader. At home, lauded producer Flying Lotus, a vanguard of the Low End Theory beat scene, began evangelically tweeting about them — and an October booking at the storied club soon followed. Shows in London and New York won more admirers, including endorsements from Mos Def, Kanye West and Sean "Diddy" Combs.
Since then, the wolves under the Odd Future banner have released a handful of singles, and three albums — Tyler's "Bastard," Sweatshirt's "Earl," Frank Ocean's acclaimed R&B-fusion mix tape album "Nostalgia/Ultra" — all released free on the Odd Future Tumblr site. The onslaught has culminated in mobs of moshing teenagers wearing "Free Earl" shirts — a riff on his rumored boarding school sentence — and hollering "Wolf Gang" at every sold-out show.
FOR THE RECORD: A profile of the rap collective Odd Future in the April 10 Arts & Books section omitted the names of two albums released by members of the group since its London and New York shows in the fall. In addition to the three albums mentioned, the collective released Mellowhype's "Blackendwhite" and the Jet Age of Tomorrow's "The Journey to the 5th Echelon." Since the group's beginning, it has also produced a variety of other albums, singles and mix tapes.
The video for "Yonkers," which found Tyler eating a cockroach, vomiting and ultimately putting a rope around his neck and appearing to hang himself, earned 5 million views and MTV rotation. The limelight also shined on the surrounding cast, whose names sound ripped from an Afro-Futurist comic book: Domo Genesis, Hodgy Beats, Syd the Kid, Frank Ocean, Mike G, Left Brain, the Super 3, Taco and Jasper the Dolphin. Self-professed computer nerds, they all have blog and Twitter accounts that they actively employ.
None are older than 23, but their sensibilities are shockingly sculpted for a rap crew of any age — an iconography forged on upside down crucifixes, the occasional swastika, Kodachrome colors, skate culture and a slashing irony. They love bacon, cartoons and Eminem. They hate comedian Steve Harvey, school and dance rappers.
One of the most feverishly discussed acts at the South by Southwest music festival in March, Odd Future makes its Coachella debut Friday, just 15 months after it joined YouTube. It has created a cult without offering a creation story, offending thousands of people in the process, and has been compared to the Sex Pistols, Eminem, Wu Tang Clan and Nirvana.
"They aren't user-friendly, and that's been lacking in hip-hop for the last 20 years," said drummer and hip-hop expert Questlove of the Roots. He compares them to gangsta rap and hard-core punk. "Lyrically, they channel the first Geto Boys' record, and their attitude, music and presentation bring a similar dark aggression. Odd Future is the new Bad Brains, but I think the mainstream will embrace them even more."
There will be ample opportunity. Earlier this year, Odd Future signed a deal for a pilot on the Cartoon Network's Adult Swim block — a live-action skit show in the vein of "Jackass" and "Chappelle's Show." XL Recordings, home of indie darlings Vampire Weekend and British provocateur M.I.A., signed a one-off deal to release Tyler's commercial debut, "Goblin," due May 10.
Even Poetry magazine chimed in last month with an essay on the collective. "Is OFWGKTA offensive?," asked writer Bethlehem Shoals. "Yes, but they're also undeniably funny, sad, and, somehow, devoid of moral gravity in a way that's both silly and nearly surreal."
The wolf lair is in the back house of a 1920s Spanish-style home in the Washington-Crenshaw district. Like the music itself, the Odd Future studio is organized chaos: drum kits and guitars, a John Coltrane poster, a TV that looks like it's never been turned on, books, DVDs and CDs, with a comparably pristine recording room.
The space belongs to the parents of Odd Future's 18-year-old producer and engineer, Sydney Bennett, a.k.a. Syd the Kid, but the graduate of the Hamilton High Music Academy started renting out her homemade studio several years ago. Word spread rapidly, and one day in 2008 a dozen Odd Futurists appeared outside her window.
She was headed to In-N-Out Burger but told them if they were still there when she returned they could work. "Hodgy, Left Brain, Tyler and their friends were still there when I returned," she said. "We recorded seven songs that night, and they never stopped coming."
Before that, the group existed largely as subversive-minded skateboarders lingering around the Supreme store on Fairfax Avenue, rebels uninterested in mixing in with the city's main three rap circles: gangsta rap traditionalists, skinny-jeaned jerkin' rappers and what Tyler called "post-Drake clichéd Slauson rappers."
Tyler is at the center of Odd Future, a 20-year-old who declared last year on his Formspring account that his goal was to "make great music … be the leader for the kids who were picked on and called weird, and show the world that being yourself and doing what you want without caring what other people think, is the key to being happy." That's as close as you'll find to a mission statement for Odd Future.
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