Saturday, April 30, 2011
[Video] 9th Wonder Gives Lecture on Hip Hop At Rhode Island College
Lauryn Hill, Fantasia to Show at New Orleans Jazz Fest
Lauryn Hill -- currently on a cross-country tour -- will be a headlining performer along with John Legend, the Roots and a slew of other artists including Arcade Fire, Willie Nelson, Bon Jovi, the Strokes and John Mellencamp.
The 43rd annual festival will spotlight Haiti, as the country still struggles to recover from a devastating earthquake in 2010. In addition to a performance from Haitian native Wyclef Jean, who raised over a million dollars in aid within a week of the earthquake, bands such as Tabou Combo and Boukman Eksperyans will also pay tribute.
Festival producer Quint Davis says that this year's event will showcase the broadest spectrum of artists yet, while spotlighting Haitian culture. "We have put together the largest Haitian culture exposition in the United States since the earthquake," Davis explained. "We said, 'Let's remind the world about Haiti. Let's show the world that country's culture, art and music and remind them about the indomitable spirit of those who live there."
The New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival will run from April 29 through May 1 and May 5 through 8 at the Fair Grounds Race Course in New Orleans. Tickets can be purchased at
Lady Gaga to unleash a expose Bey campaign capped off by diss record of Beyonce &Katy Perry
Gaga is not just an artist she is a movement is the message Lady Gaga wants to send to the entire world. Sources close to reveal that Lady Gaga and Beyonce continue to have their differences (as we reported back in march and people wouldn’t listen) but check out what Gaga has reportedly done now
VIDEO: Big Sean – Cosmic Kev Freestyle
Yesterday Big Sean made a stop in Philly to show off why he’s one of hiphop’s hottest new faces. Check out this freestyle as Sean recites some impressive verses off his upcoming debut album… Boi!!!!!
Fashion: The Hundreds Phoenix Sunglasses x Blue Rain
The voluptuous Bridget Blonde is the “spokesperson”, for The Hundreds Phoenix sunglasses called “Blue Rain”. The sunglasses are the wayfarer-like design features a translucent blue frame with smoke taint lens. For more on the release date and more pics of Bridget Blonde are after the jump…

Available next Thursday, May 5th, at the 4 The Hundreds flagships and select retailers. Body paint and Bridget Blonde not included.
Release Date: May 5th, 2011 (Thursday)
The Hundreds Los Angeles (THLA)
7909 Rosewood Avenue | Map
Los Angeles, CA 90048
The Hundreds San Francisco (THSF)
585 Post Street | Map
San Francisco, CA 94102
The Hundreds New York (THNY)
96 Grand Street | Map
New York, NY 10012
The Hundreds Santa Monica (THSM)
416 Broadway Street | Map
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Available next Thursday, May 5th, at the 4 The Hundreds flagships and select retailers. Body paint and Bridget Blonde not included.
Release Date: May 5th, 2011 (Thursday)
The Hundreds Los Angeles (THLA)
7909 Rosewood Avenue | Map
Los Angeles, CA 90048
The Hundreds San Francisco (THSF)
585 Post Street | Map
San Francisco, CA 94102
The Hundreds New York (THNY)
96 Grand Street | Map
New York, NY 10012
The Hundreds Santa Monica (THSM)
416 Broadway Street | Map
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Fitteds: New Era x MARVEL Iron Man & War Machine 59Fifty Caps
ECAP CITY is re up on the Marvel New Era Fitted hats. Hands down the War machine is mean…. Grrrr… like Funk Flex would say. This release was to help promote the movie last year. Check out the metallic Iron Man fitted cap and they go great with the match Foams kicks colorway. Hurry up these are not going to last long, more pics and where to cop after the jump…
In the latest edition of MTV’s “When I was 17″ Questlove flashes back to his days growing up in West Philly, when he was a band geek and dressed as a hippie. He then talks about the roots of The Roots! Check it out after the jump!!
NFL: Ravens’ Ray Lewis Helps Only Surviving Child of Mom’s Suicide & Death of Siblings
Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl
NFL linebacker Ray Lewis is helping a 10-year-old New York boy whose mother drowned herself and three children by driving a van into the Hudson River.
The surviving child, La’Shaun Armstrong, was to attend a Manhattan fundraiser of the United Athletes Foundation on Saturday night. Some of the proceeds will go to him, including scholarship money.
The Baltimore Ravens star says he reached out to the child as soon as he heard about the April 12 tragedy. The boy escaped through a van window after the car plunged into the water in Newburgh, N.Y., and was rescued by a passing driver.
La’Shaun’s 25-year-old mother, Lashanda Armstrong, reportedly was distraught over an argument with her boyfriend.
La’Shaun told the Daily News that meeting the 35-year-old linebacker was “awesome.”
Lewis says the boy needs mentoring from a father figure. His biological father, Todd Johnson, is in prison on a robbery conviction.
As soon as he heard news of the accident, “I was like, ‘I need to find him,’” Lewis told the newspaper at a Manhattan bowling complex earlier this week, when the boy arrived with his grandmother and another relative to meet the NFL player and get some bowling tips from him.
“Nobody is supposed to walk through life alone with that, especially being 10 years old,” said Lewis, who is vice chairman of the United Athletes Foundation.
The nonprofit was created in 2008 by a group of professional athletes whose aim is to improve the lives of athletes and their communities.
The president of the nonprofit, former NFL cornerback Reggie Howard, took La’Shaun shopping for clothes earlier this week.
The foundation plans to help La’Shaun well into the future.
“I don’t want to come into his life for a phase,” Lewis said. “I want to be in his life forever.”
VIDEO-Jay Electronica - Dimethyltryptamine
Mariah Carey Gives Birth to Twins!!
Congratulations to Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon who celebrated their fourth anniversary today with another milestone: becoming parents. To find out the details of the birth including the sexes of the babies, their weight, the labor & delivery, hit the jump!!
(HP)–Carey’s representative, Cindi Berger, confirmed the births to The Associated Press. The singing superstar gave birth Saturday at 12:07 p.m. EDT at an undisclosed hospital in Los Angeles. Berger says the baby girl was born first, weighing 5 pounds, 3 ounces, and was 18 inches long; her brother was next, at 5 pounds 6 ounces, and was 19 inches.
Berger says the couple has not named the children yet. Cannon drove Carey to the hospital in their Rolls-Royce Phantom. Berger said the 41-year-old Carey, who had gone through false labor, was calm, thinking that it was another false alarm.
Meanwhile, the 30-year-old Cannon was so nervous he went to the wrong department at the hospital, and was guided to the maternity ward by a nurse.
“It was like right out of an ‘I Love Lucy’ skit,” said Berger.
Berger says they were listening to Carey’s “We Belong Together” after the children were born.
The couple are expected to renew their wedding vows on Sunday. The pair got married in 2007 after a whirlwind romance. They were the subject of endless baby rumors, and the couple actually were expecting shortly after their marriage, but Carey had a miscarriage; they did not reveal the miscarriage until she announced her pregnancy last fall.
The couple plan to live a bi-coastal life, and have luxurious nurseries in both New York and Los Angeles.
As far as more children, Carey recently declared she’s done.
LiL Kim At The Ritz II April 29th Pictures
Lil Kim arrived to The Ritz II around 1:30 with about 15 people. The club looked like it had it's usual crowd even though the door charge $25 to see the Queen Bee,when she came in you could easily tell who was a fan. Kim grabbed the mic and showed love to the crowd who swarmed around the VIP area as the DJ played her music off her latest Black Friday mixtape she mumbled a couple lyrics here and there in hesitation to give the crowd a to much. For the rest of the night she was tied up taking pictures with her fans.
Should Cassie Be A Spokesmodel For Black Hair Products?
Diddy’s favorite concubine Cassie has been named as one of the three new spokesmodels for “Carol’s Daughter” but not everyone is happy about it.
When we first announced the news, many people expressed disappointment at the lack of diversity reflected in the three spokesmodels, who all have complexions in the same beige spectrum and have all worn weave at one time or another. Cassie in particular has drawn a lot of black women’s ire because she is part Filipino and Mexican and only a quarter black. Do you think people are overreacting — and as a part black woman, Cassie has similar hair problems as the rest of us? Or do you think there is a valid point to be made, most black women don’t identify with Cassie because her of her differences in complexion and hair texture. We want to know what you think!
Ice-T Isn’t Feeling Soulja Boy Portraying Tupac in Juice! Soulja Boy Fires Back via Twitter!
Ice-T disagrees with Soulja Boy portraying Tupac in the movie Juice for his upcoming mixtape. Check out the audio below:
Soulja Boy fired back on Ice-T via his Twitter account:
ice-t eat a bowl of baby dicks my nigga straight up
ice-t need to sit his old ass down nigga always got my name in his mouth damn bra nobody care what you think bruh
I will hoe that nigga Ice-T on everything lol
Los Angeles Traffic Officers Caught In Porn Film
A city councilman has expressed public outrage over allegations that two traffic officers shot a porn film while on duty.
Councilman Bill Rosendahl has asserted that action will be taken if it is determined that there was a criminal aspect to the incident.
According to Amir Sedadi, of the Department of Transportation, the employees in question have been placed on administrative leave pending outcome of an investigation.
Watch the video and click HERE for the rest of the story.
Guess Which American Idol Reject Makes It Rain $100,000 For One Night Of Work!!
Whу worry аbουt winning Idol whеn уου саn mаkе racks οn racks οn racks lіkе THIS!
According tο TMZ reports:
“American Idol” reject Pia Toscano јυѕt signed a deal tο mаkе 0,000 іn ONE NIGHT — аnd аll ѕhе hаѕ tο dο іѕ sing a couple οf songs аt a private event … TMZ hаѕ learned.Mυѕt bе nice.
Sources connected tο thе deal tеll υѕ … Pia hаѕ agreed tο perform аt a private birthday party οn Mау 8th … whісh happens tο bе Mother’s Day. Wе’re tοld thе deal wіll οnlу require Pia tο perform a small handful οf songs.
According tο sources, Pia wаѕ initially offered ,000 fοr thе gig аnd ѕhе TURNED IT DOWN … bυt thе people throwing thе party wanted Pia ѕο bаdlу, thеу immediately doubled thеіr offer … аnd Pia signed without batting аn eye.
Wе’re tοld Pia wіll bе picked up іn L.A. іn a limo аnd chauffeured directly tο thе party … though іt’s unclear exactly whеrе thе party wіll gο down.
Nοt tοο shabby.
L.A. Reid Is 'Looking for Crazy' as Judge on 'X Factor'
Last month, the music mogul surprised his staff and the industry as a whole when he announced his departure as chairman of Island Def Jam Records to secure a judging gig for the U.S. edition of Simon Cowell's reality singing competition 'The X Factor,' which is scheduled to premiere in September. While he won't be working on forthcoming albums from Rihanna and Kanye West any longer, Reid will take his knack for handpicking luminaries and showcase it in front of millions on network television. Contestants on the show will surely demonstrate resolve and vigor in an effort to win him over, but he's looking for "crazy" as well.
For L.A. Reid, that's probably the adjective some would use to describe his decision to leave the helm of one of the most prestigious record labels in the business. But don't count him out just yet. He may make a return to overseeing pop stars' contracts and label budgets sooner than later. "I have many, many things in the works," Reid confirms. "When things are solidified I am happy to talk about it."
As he prepares to take a seat at the judges' table, L.A. Reid discloses much of what inquiring minds want to know when it comes to the Nicki Minaj 'X Factor' rumors, which artists he favors and the one thing a contestant should never do.
Why did you decide to leave Def Jam to join 'The X Factor'?
Well, I decided to do 'The X Factor' largely because of Simon Cowell and my admiration for Simon and how he's developed this show, how he's developed this format of music television. And how he's developed his own career, right. I really admire Simon. When he called me it was a no-brainer because I admire him that much.
And the second reason was I love artists and I love music. I love the excitement of entertainment and I love 'The X Factor' as a platform to discover the next generation of superstar talent.
What are you bringing to the judging panel that's different from what another judge could ultimately showcase?
When we sit down and we start to work, I'll know better what I'm bringing. I'm going to bring honesty, I'm going to bring passion. I don't know who I'm gonna be. I'm a Gemini; I have too many personalities [laughs]. I never know when they go in and out of character. I think I'm always the same. Then I read later or I hear later that I was this guy or that guy. I don't know which character will make it to 'The X Factor.'
Have auditions begun yet?
The first audition was in Los Angeles. The show drew over 15,000 contestants. We have more of them coming up. We [had] Miami on April 7, Newark on April 14, [then we have] Seattle on Wednesday, April 20, Chicago on Wednesday, April 27, and then it's Dallas on May 26. I'm not personally at every single audition. The first round of auditions are actually for the producers of the show. Then we'll have a second round for the judges.
You're not at liberty to speak about the other judges but there are a lot of rumors circulating that Nicki Minaj is to be a judge. If she's chosen, why do you think she'd make a good judge?
Well, I have to answer it this way. There have been many names that have come up and there have been many names that have been mentioned in the press. It's a long process. Simon has been processing this for quite some time. He knows better than I do; I don't know how to cast television, right. I know music fairly well, I know artistry fairly well. He knows music, artistry and television. So whatever he decides I'm sure it's going to be fascinating and exciting.
What are you looking for when it comes to a winning 'X Factor' contestant?
I'm looking for artists who are exciting. I'm looking for artists that know how to fascinate the public, that know how to give their all. They have the eye of the tiger. They can evoke passion in people. They can evoke fun in people. The thing that music and entertainment is supposed to do, it's supposed to cause a reaction. If you're bored watching someone that's not what we're looking for. We're not looking for boring, we're looking for exciting. We're looking for fun, we're looking for passion, we're looking for crazy. We're looking for people to go all out. Make us believe that you're a star.
What could a contestant do that would cause them to lose points in your book?
I don't know if there's anything. I don't have a checklist of things that you shouldn't do. I'm fairly open, right. I'm just looking to be impressed. I want to be knocked off my feet when someone performs for me. Once, an artist came into my office and stood on my desk with spiked heels and really put dents all in my desk. That was a no-no [laughs.] That didn't go over so well. Other than that I don't have any no-no's. And I hate being touched. I remember a girl came in to sing for me and she thought it would be really seductive to get really close to me and I got so turned off by it. She may have been really talented but it just turned me off so badly. I really don't have a long checklist but those are probably the two things that I can remember that didn't work for me.
You've signed a wealth of superstars during your career. So we get an idea of the kind of talent you're looking for now, can you choose one or two artists from your days working as a record label executive that you felt had the "x factor" back then?
Oh, yes! Every one of them, honestly, of the ones that we know. All of them have it. Mariah Carey has the "x factor." Justin Bieber has the "x factor." They all do. Rihanna really has the "x factor." Pink has it. Usher has it. Avril Lavigne has it. Babyface has it. Toni Braxton has it. TLC has it. I could just go on and on and on. Young Jeezy has it. Rick Ross has it. The Killers have it. Fall Out Boy has it. Jay-Z has it. Kanye West; they all have the "x factor." And those are the people that the contestants are being measured against. The competition isn't really the other contestants; the competition is the great superstars on the planet right now.
DJ Quik Sheds Light on 'The Book of David,' Wants to Hug DMX
Let's go back to your 1991 debut album, 'Quik is the Name.' You were able to stand out amongst your hip-hop peers because you could effortlessly go from a hardcore, two-fisted gangsta rap track like 'Born and Raised in Compton' to a more jazzy, R&B sound heard on 'Tonite.' Were you aware that you were taking hip-hop in a new musical direction?
Not at all. On 'Quik is the Name' I don't know if the musical aspect of those songs was subconscious or on purpose. I just knew that when it came to my production I always remembered how Isaac Hayes' 'Hot Buttered Soul' album affected me. One of my favorite artists is Curtis Mayfield. That music defined my life. I would never want more than what I got and that was to be born in the '70s and witness that music firsthand. I was always a very musical person. R&B was just as huge to me as was hip-hop when I was growing up and DJing in Compton.
Along with N.W.A., LL Cool J, Public Enemy, Ice Cube, and a few others, there were not a lot of hip-hop acts going platinum during your first year on the scene. Yet, you were able to sell over a million copies of 'Quik Is the Name.' How did that immense success change your life as a kid coming out of city as notorious as Compton, Calif.?
I never thought I would go platinum. No one at the label did, honestly. It was surreal to be out there with MC Hammer, N.W.A. and En Vogue and meeting these famous people. These are my legends today. But back then I used to stare at their album covers all day and dream.
In past interviews you have been open about some of the personal battles you have endured during your rollercoaster career. Was there ever a moment when you thought, "That's it. I'm done with the music business?"
There were a few times I thought about walking away. When [I was recording] the 'Rhythm-al-ism' album [1998], my best friend was killed in my studio. That was a dark moment for me that I struggled through. And then a few years later, [my musical protégé] Mausberg was killed, which just added on to everything.
When did you realize you had a serious problem?
When I was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. But before that, I didn't know how serious it was for me. Just looking back at my life, it sometimes makes me almost feel sorry for myself.
So how did you get through those dark times?
I did a lot of drinking, a lot of vodka. I didn't want to face reality. But going to jail was a wake up call. Now everyday is another day that I can reinvent myself. Everyday is another day that I can forgive my enemies. Everyday is another day that I don't have to drink. Everyday is another day I can try to be more like a legend in my families' life; in my daughters' and son's life.
Your new album, 'The Book of David,' is being called one of the best efforts of your long storied career by music critics. How does it feel to still be releasing well-received work 20 years after 'Quik Is the Name'?
I don't know what to think [laughs]. This is what I do. 'The Book of David' is coming out on my label MSR [Mad Science Records]. It's distributed by Fontana. Shout out to Sylvia Rhone, who is one of my people. The new album impresses me because within the music we have the analog sound back. When the music went all digital, I think something was lost in my music. I'm back to square one with the music. This record is an album of clusters. Three songs in a row just go hard together because they all cut into each other. It's not like track No. 1 and 4 are cool, but No. 7 and 13 sucks. These songs have a theme. Even if you don't like the production you have to admit this album is well sequenced.
How do you envision taking 'The Book of David' out on the road?
The way the new songs segue together, it's very fluid. I'm doing 'The Book of David' from a place where I want to be remembered like Barry White -- a great soulful conductor. So I'm going to have fun with this tour. When I do shows today, I hire a string section and put them onstage with my band. And instead of just doing 'Jus Lyke Compton,' 'Sweet Black P---y' 'Tonite' or 'Born and Raised in Compton' and 'Down Down Down,' we will perform 'Love's Theme' by the Love Unlimited Orchestra. And the audience is just blown away. I use my boy Jeff who is the hip-hop orchestrator. He comes onstage with me and we tear that s--t down!
It's an exciting time to be DJ Quik, right?
I'm just glad that people are still listening to my music. At one point in my career I think I became a little bitter. I thought that nobody needed a DJ Quik beat anymore. But I'd like to thank people like Clive Davis. He put me in the Grammy exhibit out here in Los Angeles. I have an exhibit in the hip-hop part of the Grammy Museum.
You sound choked up. How huge of a moment was that for you?
I'm just honored. I'm really emotional right now. I've been through too much. When I see people like DMX I'm going to give that dude a big ass hug [laughs].
Just because Adele has sold almost 5 million copies of her ‘21′ album does not mean that she is ready to relax. The powerhouse singer visited ‘The Graham Norton Show’ this week to perform ‘Set Fire To The Rain’, the latest single from the LP.
Watch her performance and here.
Quay Eyeware
Soo I was looking on Karmaloop, and I saw these really cool sunglasses. Summer is near, and the sun is here! haha. They’re Quay Eyeware Australia. I really like them. They have a lot more cool ones. You can get them on the official website:, or Karmaloop:,sizeId=,subId=0,vendorId=6626,optionalId=0,sortBy=8,showKazbah=true,pageNumber=1,pageSize=48. They range from around $16 to $30
Wale & Black Cobain’s Photoshoot with Rocksmith
Jeremih Speaks on Chris Brown & Trey Songz
Bruce & Demi's Kid Nabbed for Alcohol Possession
Tallulah Belle Willis, the 17-year-old daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore, had a brush with the law last night over alcohol ... law enforcement say.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... cops spotted three girls getting out of a car in Hollywood at around 11:00 PM, carrying what appeared to be two bottles of alcohol. The officers probed further and determined it was indeed the hard stuff. Here's the problem ... all three girls are underage.
Tallulah Belle and her cohorts were cited at the scene for underage possession -- but since Tallulah Belle -- who has appeared in "The Scarlet Letter" and "The Whole Ten Yards -- is a minor, cops couldn't just release her .... they needed to find an adult to pick her up .
So Tallulah Belle called Bruce ... but a dutiful Demi did the hard labor, getting in a car and retrieving T.B.
Someone's in trouble.
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... cops spotted three girls getting out of a car in Hollywood at around 11:00 PM, carrying what appeared to be two bottles of alcohol. The officers probed further and determined it was indeed the hard stuff. Here's the problem ... all three girls are underage.
Tallulah Belle and her cohorts were cited at the scene for underage possession -- but since Tallulah Belle -- who has appeared in "The Scarlet Letter" and "The Whole Ten Yards -- is a minor, cops couldn't just release her .... they needed to find an adult to pick her up .
So Tallulah Belle called Bruce ... but a dutiful Demi did the hard labor, getting in a car and retrieving T.B.
Someone's in trouble.
Yung L.A. Loses House & Car, Still Bound to Contract With Grand Hustle
Rapper Yung L.A.’s image continues to take a beating in the media.
“Hey, that’s karma for ya right? You do f*ck sh*t, ya get f*ck sh*t. He had that sh*t coming. He did everything but say I want my ass kicked and yes I was very happy about the whole sh*t. Shout out to the whole D.T.E and salute to my n*gga Alley Boy.”
According to Inday, though, Alley Boy is the least of L.A.’s problems. Despite the rappers previous success under Grand Hustle, the rapper is now broke and living with his grandmother.
“I’m dead ass serious. He lives with his grandmother and he don’t even own a car. Sad but true” stated Inday.
It is unclear how L.A. lost his money, but there is speculation that it is due to his growing drug addiction.
“He been doing drugs, but not the shit he on now. The junkie ass n*gga on zans, lean and coke.”
Despite Yung L.A.’s claims of being recently dropped by Grand Hustle, Inday tells us that his situation isn’t so cut and dry.
“He didn’t get dropped, he on the shelf like can goods. It’s gonna take some money for him to get out of that paperwork.”
When asked why there is so much animosity toward L.A., Inday had some choice words for the rapper.
“He a disloyal b*tch that kicks real n*ggas when they down. The sh*t he pulled was a b*tch move. Ya’ll know he would have never pulled that sh*t if TIP was on the street. Keep it one hundred now.”
Keep It Trill is currently trying to reach Yung L.A. for comment. We will keep you posted.
Killer Mike Talks ‘PL3DGE,’ T.I., the Government, and Jay-Z
During his interview with HipHopDX, Grand Hustle artist Killer Mike touched base on various topics, including Jay-Z and the Illuminati, T.I.‘s imprisonment, and the upcoming release of the third installment of his Pledge series, “PL3DGE,” which is expected to release May 17th.
“Yeah, I miss my friend. I told somebody that…I can remember still going to buy Trap Muzik, and popping up at Tower Records. He was outside, and I was going in to get [a copy]. I didn’t even know he was there, and he was grabbing my records. You miss your friend more than anything, because you care about what your friend thinks of your records. On a professional level, he texts me. He just got rights to talk back and forth, so we were e-mailing right on the 19th—the day before my birthday.
I just hit him up saying I miss him, telling him how much we love and care about him and that I’m glad his family is good. I told him I hoped he was okay and to keep his head up. He hit me back, and the only thing he could talk about was how he was sorry he wasn’t out to help push and promote the record. [He asked] how [Young] Dro was doing, and said he hated that he couldn’t be out on tour. That just gives a real testament to what a real friend he is. He’s in prison, but he cared more about how me and Dro doing well. It almost made me tear up. I was like, “This guy shouldn’t be giving a damn about that.” He’s watching the way the record is performing. I just miss my friend. I guess that’s the easiest answer.”
When questioned whether he felt concern for the sometimes heavy subject matter within his lyrics, Bigga admits he harbors some fear of the Government.
“Yeah, I got concerns that they’re gonna kill me. I’ve got concerns that unless enough people wake up and pay attention to what I’m saying, either I’m going to have to stop saying it or I’m going to get killed for saying it—one or the other. When I say “they,” [that’s] anybody who has those three letters in their title. Usually it’s an alphabet boy or some type saying, “I’m the GFI—Governmental Federal Investigators.” But I do have fears of dying young based on the things I say. I say things that Jesus, Dr. King, Malcom X and Che Guevara said. I also say stuff that Fred Hampton, [Alprentice] “Bunchy” Carter and Huey Newton said.”
After revealing his concerns regarding the government, Bigga elaborated on name dropping Jay-Z and Warren Buffet within his lyrics.
“It wasn’t so much about Jay-Z next to Warren Buffett any more than it was about Ronald Reagan being a bad actor—when I said that in the third verse. What it was about was, in this country, we’re given idols to worship. I’ve loved Jay-Z as a rapper since ’96 when I was knee-deep in the trap. But I will never allow media to fool me to somehow think that just because a black kid from Marcy Projects becomes a billionaire the tables are fair when he’s standing next to a next to a man who’s worth $56 billion.
[Warren Buffett] can give away his money, and the next year make more money and plus $10 billion. Jay-Z has had to fight, bleed, kill and die for every dollar he’s ever got. And that’s not to say that Mr. Buffett and every other billionaire doesn’t. That’s just saying that I can choose to give Jay-Z another dollar. I can choose to buy his record; I can choose to go to his restaurant. Warren Buffett owns a piece of everything I have—whether it’s orange juice, Polar Springs or the table we’re at. Berkshire Hathaway owns a piece of it! My thing is, if I allow you to start making Jay-Z equal to that in the perception and minds of people, I start judging Jay-Z by those standards. And that’s not fair. He can’t do—socially and globally—what someone with $50 billion can do. It’s wrong to put those expectations on him.
So I view Jay-Z and Puffy as entertaining businessmen who have made moguls out of themselves. In the context of putting their money next to me, I shrink. But putting their money next to Buffett, [Carlos] Slim out of Mexico, the Nigerian and East Indian billionaires, they just become regular people again. I won’t let my perception to be controlled. So it’s not a slight against Jay-Z. It’s just saying that if you allow you idols to be judged on a game or playing field that they didn’t create, you’re gonna be saying you think they’re in the Illuminati. And they’re not, because they don’t have enough money to be in the Illuminati.”
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