Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Video: Mya Sings The Rock ‘Happy Birthday’ On RAW

mya 12 e1304455078857 Video: Mya Sings The Rock Happy Birthday On RAW
R&B vixen Mya has been out of the limelight for sometime now, quietly experimenting with music the masses would be better off not hearing. However, in a rare appearance, the ‘Case of the Ex’ singer showed up on WWE’s RAW last night; singing Happy Birthday to Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson.
Check out the action after the jump….

Randomness: Be it a case of falling victim to the industry or simply not knowing how to ‘play the game’, it’s sure a shame how things panned out for this talented young songstress. *Hits ‘play’ on ‘Moodring’ LP*

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