Tuesday, June 14, 2011

People Magazine Skeptical About Paying Kim Kardashian $1 Million For Engagement Exclusive

People magazine is paying Kim Kardashian more than $1 million for exclusive coverage of her engagement and wedding, sources told Page Six — but now the mag’s editors are concerned that the public fascination over the curvy beauty may be waning. Kim’s surprise engagement to NBA star Kris Humphries graced the cover of People last month, with the mag touting “the incredible proposal — and the 20.5 carat ring.” The weekly paid her $300,000 and has now made a second deal for coverage of the reality star’s wedding for just over $1 million.
But some magazine staffers are concerned their investment won’t be recouped, according to sources. The $1 million deal was reached after OK! magazine put in an offer of nearly double that but backed out. No official date for the big day has yet been set. “People’s Kim engagement cover sold well, but did not as well as they hoped,” said a source.
“Over a million copies were sold, which is good but not their best. And when you spend that much on a cover story, you expect it to sell.” A Kim-watcher added, “Some worry they’re now stuck with a big bill for the wedding.” A different source said, “Some editors think the cheating scandal and the over-the-top ring and wedding could be a turn-off.”

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