Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Who Knew Jennifer Hudson Was a Victim of Weight Discrimination?

Jennifer Hudson, photographed above last week in Brazil, hasn’t always been a size 4.  In fact, she vividly remembers when she was considered the “big girl” in a room fulla hollywood skinny b*tches.
[READ: J-Hud: "Being Skinny is a JOB! and it ain't easy... VIDEO]
Hudson recently revealed in an interview that she felt like her weight was holding her back in the entertainment industry and now that she’s shed the pounds people are much more receptive…
In this slim world I do now realize I was being discriminated against. I’m offered more parts. There is much more excitement about me now.
Last week I saw some footage of myself as I was five years ago and I was surprised. It was like I recognized myself but I didn’t. It seemed another world away.
I never thought I was overweight. I thought my old look was pretty normal. That was how all the girls looked growing up in Chicago.
I didn’t have any problem with it. It makes me smile to think back to myself when I did ‘Dreamgirls’ with Beyonce. I did see all these women in Hollywood, all very slim and I thought, ‘Wow, these ladies are very into themselves.’
I loved that I stood out in a room. You knew when you saw this woman it was Jennifer Hudson. (source)
Jennifer also took some time out to answer questions from a few of her fans, who submitted questions via Facebook and Twitter.
She talks about a few of her favorite artists (Beyonce was an afterthought) PLUS what she likes to eat nowadays…

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